
There are portals in nature that lead to other worlds. If we have the capacity to enter we can be lifted from the repetitive, the mundane and be reacquainted with magic.

The code to unlock these portals is often found in song and chants.

These portals exist within our bodies too, carrying us out of old imprints into resolution. Our body can show us new possibilities if we take the time to really listen and journey through our inner realms.

The code to unlock our body portals is sensation.

If we can sit with the sensations of our different parts, we can open up these portals and allow our multidimensionality to emerge.

To be moved by our sensations is the greatest gift as we can shift through deeper layers of experience and find our garden of Eden within.

The irony is these portals don’t really go anywhere

They lead us back to self
To truth
To blueprint
To love

It’s all within.

At least that’s how I and some clients experience it


Feng Shui Body Poem


Sacred Hoop