What is Craniosacral Therapy?
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle and non-invasive healing modality that engages with the inherent healing forces within and around the body, at the deepest levels. By engaging with these forces, the body can meet and metabolise undigested life experiences that may be present in the physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, and relational realms. The forces of nature, which express themselves as rhythmic motion or the breath of life, are apparent both within and around the body. It is these forces that we engage with in order to bring about healing in the body.

The body is always working to restore itself to balance and harmony but this ability can be compromised by stress, trauma, injury, or disease. Health is always available and can easily be restored through gentle engagement and attunement and the story being held in the body can be expressed as it’s held in a supportive space.

CST originates in Osteopathy and has evolved to acknowledge and include trauma integration methods, advances in neuroscience, somatic inquiry, and pre and perinatal psychology.

What happens in a session?
At the beginning of the session, we talk and establish a picture of the state of the health of the body, whether at a physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, energetic, or relational level. The client will then rest, fully clothed on a massage table in a peaceful and quiet environment. A negotiated light touch will be established between the practitioner and client and the practitioner will take up a light contact with their hands. In general, the session is experienced as deeply relaxing with profound reorganisation and integration felt at all levels. The client often reports feeling lighter, with life feeling more full of ease and flow.

What can CST help with?

CST is an effective treatment for people of all ages, from pre-birth to babies, and the elderly.

The gentle approach of CST can help relieve the effects of stresses and tension that often accompany the following conditions:

Auto-immune disorders: Allergies, Diabetes, Inflammatory Skin disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Rheumatoid Arthritis.
CST helps to restore harmony and balance to the nervous system by supporting the immune system to function more efficiently and intelligently. The immune system can be challenged by an overactive nervous system and begin to perceive the body as being invaded by its tissue as it continues to stay in a threat response to its environment.

Birth and Pregnancy Issues: Attachment and bonding Challenges, Colic, Excessive Crying and Irritability, Nursing and sleeping Difficulties.
A baby’s brain and other gestational development have been said to improve by reducing prenatal stress to a minimum. CST is a valuable way to support the pregnant mother and prepare her for birth. Following birth, the effects of a challenging delivery or issues related to nursing, bonding, and attachment can be resolved including through CST. Parent(s) and baby can be helped by CST to build resources during and following the pregnancy.

Pain: Backaches, Chronic Inflammation, Headaches, Injuries, Sciatica, Structural Misalignment, Surgeries.
When the nervous system stays activated, it can slow down the healing of tissues, create inflammation, and keep our mental state oriented to pain. CST can support the nervous system to return to a more regulated state, bringing pain relief from the softening and realignment of tissues.

Nervous System Dysregulation & Trauma: Anxiety, Depression, PTSD/CPTSD, Sleep Difficulties, Stress.
When the nervous system is consistently dysregulated, it can inhibit one's access to the inherent life force and prevent one from moving forward in life creatively. CST helps to discharge shock and trauma in a supportive and natural way and to help build resiliency and inner resources so that the nervous system learns how to stay in its window of tolerance.

In-person: 90mins - £150.00 <> 60 minutes - £120.00

Online: 90mins - £130.00 <> 60 minutes - £100.00

Babies & Children: 60 minutes ~ £50